Linh Cao

Software Dev Engineer II
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I am Linh Cao, a Software Engineer at Yahoo!. I got my Master's degree in Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois (UIUC). My research focused on building distributed honeypot networks connecting national labs and universities. The system is being deployed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) for real-time sharing of security alerts.

During my Master training, I have accumulated:
(1) a strong theoretical foundation of information sciences (probabilities, statistics, mining unstructured data coursework), and
(2) practical experience of operating large scale, secure data pipeline (continuous integration, SSH honeypot, automated peer-to-peer security intelligence gossiping up to millions of events per second).


I have participated in the following research projects.


Teaching Assistant for Instructional and Technology Design Office, School of Information Sciences, UIUC

Code Samples

A state machine implementation of TCP transport layer in Python.

A HTTP proxy that supports caching and partial content streaming.

A Python client that links Kafka and ZeroMQ.
